Friday, August 14, 2009

Petani Mistral 5o 11.776’ N 114o 37.016’ E

The crane and superstructure are notable features. The masts have gone (September 2004).The Petani Mistral sank after being swept onto a leg of the rig, Trident-12. Apparently these ships are not as tough as they look!
The vessel sits upright in 47 metres with the mast rising above 30 metres (Both the main mast and fore mast had fallen off - Sept. 2004). The wreck was first dived by Panaga Divers on 17th September 1995 on a trip lead by Jim Beavis. Although dived regularly by local divers, it was not visited by Panaga Divers again until 31st August 2002 and 12th September 2004. The superstructure is festooned in nets and is host to dense schools of fish making it one of the most attractive wrecks I've ever seen. Most doors and points of ingress are covered in nets. Penetrating the bridge, there are as many fish inside the wreck as outside. It is a truly magical dive, however, the two hour journey from KB requires good weather and careful planning.

The bridge and foredeck. Looking through the bridge which was filled with Ring-tailed cardinals (Apogon aureus). The 'jump-line to the shot; and the stern crane rising out of the murk. A massive, adult yellow-fin grouper (Epinephelus flavocaeruleus) patrols the wreck. (Photos JE and DC)

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